Wednesday, May 21, 2008

1 Timothy 3:12

This week has been such an incredible week. I am just going to put myself out there and be open right now but those of you who I am close to know that I have not been myself for a long time. I have allowed so many confusing things from the past ball up like rubber bands inside and I have come to the realization that I CAN'T do it anymore. It's time to deal with it all because I can't move forward until I do. I love the verse on the blog of one of my best friend, Kendra's, Luke 9:62 and she put "Holding onto the past hinders you from moving forward in the things of God. Release the past and look forward to a dynamic future with Him." This has become so evident in my life and God has brought someone from my church into my life MUCH wiser and stronger in his faith than I to mentor me, counsel me and help me walk through the muck and finally get experience life to it's fullness. It is very scary but at last, after so long, I can't wait!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT! I already feel the FREEDOM God has for me ahead. I FINALLY see the light at the end of the tunnel, the HOPE that can only come from my Father. Praise God!

As I have pondered on 1 Timothy 3:12 last week and this week, I have realized as Timothy did, so long ago, that God wants to use us no matter where we are at! God wants to use me right where I am. He doesn't want to wait until times or better or easier or for me to be braver. He wants to use me today. He wants to use me right now. That is so AWESOME! As I began going through this healing period, it was NOT good nor fun and I wanted to quit everything I was doing because I felt so lost and didn't feel like I deserved to be doing anything like photography while I am in this place in my life. Praise God that He has so much more for us than what we deserve. Praise God that He can use the broken right where we are...

Thank you so much to my wonderful friends and family who have stuck by me even though it hasn't been easy (and you know who you are). I love you all so much and am so blessed to have you in my life!

Peace until next time!


Ingram Gang May 28, 2008 at 7:01 PM  

I think this is so great. I truly believe that so much growth comes through vulnerability.
I admire your strength and desire to get to know the Lord on a more intimate level.
Nice to meet you.
And your work is great!

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