Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ella's 2 Year Old Photo Shoot

I can't believe it! Miss Ella is now 2 years old! WOW!!! I had the best time staying with Kendra and Ella a couple weeks ago. It is amazing how fast these little ones grow and change and with me not being a parent yet, it is GREAT training. I told Kendra and Brittany that they need to start journaling as they go so they can help me when my little ones come along some day AFTER I get married. LOL (NO, seriously) I will be posting some of Breckin later as well.

We started doing Ella's 2 year photo's when I was there. We have a little bit more to go but did get the majority of it done. I wanted to share some from her photo shoot so far. What a doll! She did make me and her Momma work though! lol


ABOVE: We went to a beautiful park here. Ella and I walked ahead while Kendra was getting some the stroller and some other things ready and Ella decided to do some major posing while Momma was waiting for us. It was really funny.

ABOVE: Before Brennan went to China, he took Ella to The Disney Store and bought her the little dog from Winnie the Pooh, Buster. Ella LOVES Buster.

ABOVE: Kendra and Brennan got this Pinwheel for Ella a couple days before and it was hit with the photo's. It was so neat and colorful with her little colorful sun dress and bright flip flops

ABOVE: We could tell a story about this photo journey through the woods. Since Ella loves Winnie the Pooh. We told her we were going through the 100 Acre Woods as she held Winnie the Pooh almost as large as her. All the way through, to keep her interest, we would tell her to look and listen for Hephalumps. It was the cutest thing ever.

ABOVE: JOYFUL is one word to describe Ella!


Anonymous September 17, 2008 at 10:32 PM  

What a great job you did on Ellas photo shoot! I definitely want one of every picture! Let me know how I can get them. Thanks, Cheryl

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