~Gracie and Fun Action Shots~
Yesterday, I wanted to shoot Miss Gracie on her new trampoline! As she is NOT new to the trampoline, She was SO much fun to shoot doing flips and jumping!
I only have a few edited because I was so exhausted yesterday. It was a truly a great day! Gracie stayed the night with her Heather and then I took her to school at 7:50. I then edited until 10:00 and was off to watch Miss Ella A. while Lezlie went to get her hair cut on her BIRTHDAY! Happy Birthday again Lez! Then after that, I met Lori who took me to get a pedicure....AMAZING...THANK YOU SO MUCH LORI!!! Then we went to pick up Gracie from school. Then we went back to Lori's and I shot Gracie on the trampoline playing with settings and and direct sunlight! LOVED IT!!! Then they went off to pick up Ridge and then off to watch Lindsay's track meet and I was so tired, I couldn't handle it and I AM SO SORRY LINZ! I try so hard to be at the next one!!! But what a fun filled day and I am just so blessed!

More to come...
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