Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Time To Breathe, A Time To Rest, A Time To Catch Up...

WOW, things are finally getting back to normal. I can't believe I am getting caught up on my blog. It has been since before Christmas. Christmas was absolutely wonderful. I am so blessed to have the wonderful family and friends that I do.

I got to see my lady bug (Ella) and Kendra when they came into town. I only got to see them one day because I was sick the whole time. It's either me or Ella. ELLA, WE ARE BOTH GOING TO BE ALL WELL NEXT TIME, OK? But it was so great to see them and the Cotgreaves as always.

There has been a lot going on and sickness going around and of course, I have caught all of it. I have had it for almost 3 weeks now and went to Urgent Care this morning again and PRAISE GOD I am feeling SO much better. I am ready to get back to normal.

My grandmother (my Dad's mom) has been in the hospital for about 2 weeks (I think). I didn't get to go see her because I have been so sick but my Grandad, my Dad and my Aunt Julie stayed at my apartment. It was such a blessing to stay with Lori and her kids during this time. We passed sickness around but there was never a dull moment. I don't see how she does it being a single mom with 4 children. She is WONDER MOM!!!

Then my mom had a birthday in which we planned on going to Shamrock and I woke up SUPER sick that morning and went to Urgent Care and had Strep, Bronchitis, and a sinus infection so I was quarantened from the family most of the time. We ended up getting a lot of ice and some snow and the roads were really bad so we ended up staying in Shamrock until last night.

It was so nice to come home to a clean house with clean bedding, all my laundry done, my refriderater cleaned out (and for those of you who know me...THAT IS BIG) but I came home to so much that just overwhelmed me because it blessed me so so much. My aunt Julie did it all while they were staying here. Thank you so much Julie

I have recently joined Facebook (yes, I am a little behind) but it has been AMAZING and such a blessing because I have gotten in touch and get to stay in touch with so many amazing people who have been apart of my life all throughout! Wow! OK, KENDRA AND BRITTANY, ME AND BROOKE V. HAVE DECIDED YALL NEED TO GET ON THERE. WE TOOK A VOTE WITHOUT YALL! ;-)

Well, better go for now. May God Bless you all and I will talk to you soon,




******THE BRYANT FAMILY photo shoot:*******

********CHACE 2 year old photo shoot (PART 1)**********

********Here is the McLaughlin Family Portrait Session**********


The Padilla Family January 29, 2009 at 7:36 PM  

Hey! Great to see your blog update. I got a new camera for Christmas so we have to get together and have some photo shooting fun! :) Were you referencing the Cotgreaves as in Tenille Cotgreave, (it's not Cotgreave anymore---just curious). :)

Heather January 29, 2009 at 8:29 PM  

Hey woman, how are you? Yes, we will have to go out and shoot soon. How are you doing? Y'all look wonderful!

Yes, actually, the Cotgreaves are cousins. I know Brittany and Kendra which are sisters. I knew Tiff and Taneal more when they were younger.

Call me sometime!!!! It is so good to hear from you!

Love, Heather

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