~McClean Girls Softball~
I had fun shooting the McClean High School girls sofball team at the end of the season. This is the first year that McClean has had a softball team and these girls rocked! They got to the playoffs and I am so proud of all of them. I am mostly proud of my 15 year old cousin, Ashley Medlock. She is our girl...3rd base in these photos! There are three Ashley's on the team. It is quite funny. Ashley Russell playes right field in these photos and then there is Ashley Byron, the awesome pitcher. I can't even think of the stats for Ashley Byron off hand. She is an AMAZING pitcher with amazing stats and most teams would not even let her hit...walking her almost every time. I am just so proud of them. Here are just a few pics!ABOVE: Ashley Medlock, my awesome cousin
ABOVE: Ashley Byron doing her thing on the pitchers mound...just to show you the power behind that ball
ABOVE: Lexi up to bat...This one was totally a ball...way to watch Lexi
ABOVE: Running into home!!!
ABOVE: Sheri Haynes...the teams awesome catcher
ABOVE: What a team!!! Yeah McClean! GREAT YEAR!
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